Ambit Energy
Earning free Energy

Hello Gentlemen,
I do not know about you gents, but lately I have been struggling a little with some anger issues.  It is not that I do not control my tongue, but it seems that sometimes I just can not get my point across to some individuals.  It seems like if I’m talking to the wall and nobody is listening.  Well I then become a little impatient and slowly turns into anger.  Then a thought came into my mind.  I was reminded of when Jesus entered the city of Jeruselem and the crowd was gathered and cheering; Hosanna, Hosanna, for he who comes in the name of the Lord.  The Phariasies wanted Jesus to quite the crowd from cheering so loud, but Jesus responded; “If I tell them to be quite for even the stones on the road would cry out,  “Hosanna, Hosanna, for he who comes in the name of the Lord”.
What I have come to realization is that instead of me becoming angry like the Pharasies I should instead be crying out; Hosanna, for he who comes in the name of the Lord.  Hosanna meaning: “God save me now”.  It fits perfect with our weekly devotion and in preparation for the up coming Celebration of Easter Sunday.
Guard Your Words Against Anger
Proverbs 29:22 – An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins.
If you are like most men, you know a thing or two about anger.  After all, everybody gets mad occasionally, and your no exception. 
Anger is a natural human emotion that is sometimes necessary and appropriate.  We can refer to when Jesus became angry in the temple and he confronted the moneychangers: “And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who were selling doves” (Matt 21:12)
Righteous indignation is an appropriate response to evil, but God does not intend that anger should rule over our lives. God intends that we turn away from anger whenever possible and forgive our neighbors just as we seek forgiveness for ourselves.  As we all know that life can be very frustrating, some great some small.  On occasion you and I, like Jesus, will confront evil, and when we do, we may respond as Jesus did: vigorously and without reservation.
As long as you and I live here on earth, we will face countless opportunities to lose our temper over small relatively insignificant events: a traffic jam, an inconsiderate comment, or a broken promise.  When you are tempted to lose your temper over the minor inconveniences of life, DON’T.  Turn away from anger, hatred, bitterness, and regret. Turn instead to God and when you do, you will be following Gods commandments and giving yourself a priceless gift…the gift of Peace.
Words of Wisdom
Anger breeds remorse in the heart, discord in the home, bitterness in the community, and confusion in the state. -Billy Graham
Get rid of the poison of built-up anger and the acid of long-term resentment. – Charles Swindoll
Anger is the noise of the soul; the unseen irritant of the heart; the relentless invader of silence. – Max Lucado
Take no action in a furious passion. It’s putting to sea in a storm. – Thomas Fuller
God’s Words of Wisdom
2 Timothy 2:24-25
And the sevant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient; in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves…..
Proverbs 14:29
A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly.
Matthew 12:36-37
But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.  For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.

Rick Perales
Building Leaders Worldwide
cell: 936-215-9413

I have a great story to tell you about something that happened to me this week.  Ok, so here it goes. 
I was working at my sister-in-laws; refurbishing her kitchen cabinets and doors.  Well I was outside painting some of the cabinet doors when I started to notice several bees flying near by.  I started to look around to see if I could see a beehive nearby, but could not locate one.  I had gone inside the house to eat lunch and when I came back outside I realized that I had left a coke can on the porch railing.  The coke can was now swarming with bees, so I decided that I had to be brave and move the coke can away from my work station.  Now I reach slowly and grabbed the coke can and picked it up.  I just knew that if I made any sudden movements that these thirsty sweet drinking bees were going to attack me.  My heart was pounding, but I had to keep my cool and not show them any fear.  
As I was walking with the coke can in my hand and the bees swarming in and out of the can the bees started to crawl around my hand and forearm.  Again I had to keep my cool and stay calm, and when I had reached about 50 feet away from my work station I slowly set the coke can on the ground and stepped away from the can.  Well the bees that were on my hand and forearm stayed there so I tried not the panic.  I thought for a second that I could blow on them to get them off of me, but I then thought immediately that they would get angry and sting me.  By the time I made it back to my work station the bees one by one flew off.  I was relieved for the meantime.
I continued to work but the bees were not gone and by now there were about 100 bees or so and I could not work comfortably.  These bees were now swarming all around me and getting the confidence to land on my hand as I was swaying my paint brush back and forth applying the paint on the cabinet door.  It was becoming quit uncomfortable and annoying.  I remembered that I was praying that these bees would leave.  I had asked God to please take these bees away.  I them immeadiatly felt in my spirit and the Lord spoke to me and said; “Why don’t you take command of the situation.  I have already givien you power and authourity over these types of situations.”  //
So then I prayed like this: “Bees, in the Name of Jesus I command you to leave and go back where you came from. Now Go!” Within a couple of minutes the bees were gone and they have not come back since.  Amen and Glory to God. 
Why is it that I share this with you?  I know that it is not something big and miraculous, but its a reminder that Gods word lives in us already and he has already given us the authority.  Men we just have start exercising our faith without doubt. 
Guard Your Words with Integrity–weekly devotion
Proverbs 11:3 “The integrity of the upright will guide them.”
Charles Swindoll once said; “Nothing speaks louder or more powerfully than a life of integrity.” Do you agree?  Integrity is built slowly over a lifetime.  It is the sum of every right decision and every honest word.  Integrtiy is a precious thing—difficult to build but easy to tear down.  As beleivers in Christ, we must seek to live each day with discipline, honesty, and faith.  When we do, at least two things happen:  Integrity becomes a habit, and God blesses us because of our obedience to Him.  Liviing a life of integrity isn’t always the easiest way, but is is always the right way.  God clearly intends that it should be our way, too.
Oswald Chambers advised; :Never support an experience which does not have God as its source, and faith in God as its result.” These words serve as a powerful reminder that as Christians, we are called to walk with God daily and obey His commandments.  I know that we live in a world that presents us with countless temptations to stray far from God’s path. We Christians, when confronted with sins of any kind, have clear instructions to walk or better yet run in the opposite direction.
We have heard that character is what we are when nobody is watching.  How true.  We do things that we know aren’t right, but yet we try to hide them from our families and friends.  Even if we successfully conceal our sins from the world, we can never conceal our sins from God. Do you sincerely wish to walk with your Creator, and follow his Commandments?  When you do your character will take care of itself, and you wont’ need to look over your shoulder to see who, besides God is watching. //
Tip for Guarding your Heart
Remember: Character is more important than popularity.
Words of Wisdom
The trials of life can be God’s tools for engraving His image on ou character. — Warren Wiersbe
In matters of style, swim with the current.  In matters of principle, stand like a rock. — Thomas Jefferson
Character is both developed and revealed by tests, and all of life is a test. — Rick Warren
Character is made in the small moments of ur lives. — Phillips Brooks
God’s Words of Wisdom
Proverbs 10:9 (NIV) – “The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
Proverbs 22:1 (NIV) – “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
Romans 5:3-4 (NIV) – “Not only so, but e also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perserverance; perserverance, character; and character, hope.

Rick Perales
Building Leaders Worldwide
Hello Gentlemen,
I know it has been one full week since we have spoken or seen each other since Madi Gras in New Orleans Outreach.  I had such a great time visiting with each one of you and learning about your testimonies.  Nothing reaches my heart faster than to hear when people are growing in Christ.  Learning is one of the greatest tools God placed in our hearts, and that is why I believe God placed it in my heart to start a Power Prayer Partner.  I feel that God placed it in my heart on Feb 13, 2010 that:  “Some of the people in the Outreach in New Orleans would leave the powerful experience and go home and forget about Me (God).  My Love for you is greater than the moment you live right now or tomorrow, but a love that is eternal.”  This brought me to a book I am currently reading, “Above All Else” Directions for Life.  The basis of this book lies on the scripture Proverbs 4:20-27: “My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; For they are life to those who find them and health to a man’s whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.  Avoid all perverse talk; stay far from corrupt speech.  Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you.  Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe.  Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.
I know the love that God has placed in my heart is to reach the world.  There is just something that draws to my heart when I see a picture of the world.  It is like a burning desire and it brings me to tears at times.  Gentlemen we have to be quick on our toes and walk a narrow road.  I just urge each and everyone one of you to join me in agreement and prayer to keep satan away from our hearts, family, and friends. I know that right now there are only a few names on this e-mail list, but I know through time we will have more names.  I am also starting my Blog as you see the address below.  This will be updated twice a week for now with updates from the book “Above all Else”.  I just want to apply what God commanded us to do and that is to go to the ends of the world and preach his Gospel.  Lets just not make a week-end experience be the highlight of our life, but continue to glow for the “Glory belongs to the Lord”.
Guard Your Speech
“Pleasant words are a honeycomb: sweet to the taste and health to the body”. Proverbs 16:24
Think….pause….then speak: How wise is the man who can communicate in this way.  But in order to have ourselves heard we speak first then we think and the results can not be taken back.  God’s words reminds us that “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing”. (Prov. 12:18)  If we seek to be a source of encouragement to friends and family, then we must measure our words carefully.  Words can uplift us or discourage us, and reckless words, spoken in haste, cannot be erased.  Lets practice encouraging all those who cross our path.  Take your words seriously and be careful to speak wisely, not implusively.  Use kind words that will praise others turn away from words of anger or derision.  Remember that you have the power to heal others or to injure them, to lift others up or to hold them back.  When you lift people up, your wisdom will bring healing and comfort to them in a way that is divine.
Tip for Guarding your Heart
Words, words, words…..are important, important, important. Make sure you think before you act.  Otherwise, you may give the greatest speech you wish you’d never made.
Words of Wisdom
1. Happy is the man whose words issue from the Holy Spirit and not from himself. — Anthony of Padua
2. There is nothing more similar to a wise man than a fool who keeps quiet. — St. Francis of Sales
3. Change the heart, and you change the speech. — Warren Wiersbe
4. Every word we speak, every actionwe take, has an effect on the totality of humanity.  No one can escape that privilege–or that responsiblity. — Laurie Beth Jones
God’s Words of Wisdom
1. For the one who wants to love life and to see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lip from speaking deceit. 1 Peter 3:10
2. Avoid irreverent, empty speech, for this will produce an even greater measure of godlessness. 2 Timothy 2:16
3. No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
4. If anyone thinks he is religious, without controlling his tongue but deceiving his heart, his religion is useless.  James 1:26
God Bless you all and my prayers are with you all.

Rick Perales
Building Leaders Worldwide

What is the purpose of your business? Does it have anything to do with your Mission Statement? Do you focus on words and phrases that sound appealing to your audience or co-workers? Are you using words such as “maximizing profitability”, “benefit for the employees”, or “looking out for our shareholders?” How do you find meaning and purpose in your business?

It was just like yesterday when I heard the words; “We need to increase our productivity and decrease the labor cost.” The thought crossed my mind; “Is there more to work than earning a paycheck?” The answer is yes, but we need to look at ourselves a little closer and honestly ask ourselves, “What is our priority? What purpose do we serve?” “And to what end?” When we answer these questions then we can truly find our true purpose.

We were all created with an inward gift to be successful. Not only do we have a motivation in our hearts, but we all have an essential desire to contribute, add value, and connect with others in some meaningful achievement. Finding meaning and purpose in our work is the key to personal fulfillment and professional success.

What ever purpose motivates you to get up every morning has to be driven with passion and reason to fulfill each and every day. Purpose should always over take precedence over profitability or any short term growth. The objective of purpose should be performed in this order; honoring the inward you in everything you do, help develop peoples strengths, pursue excellence, and then grow profitably.

Finding purpose and meaning is a lot of work. Sometimes it may feel like you may be going through a maze, but the fun part of going through the maze is that there is a finish line. You may not see the finish line at first, but you must trust the inward you to lead you to your purpose by moving forward and taking action. We all have obstacles to overcome, but the action is to press forward and go through it, jump over it, or go around it. We must never turn away from it because we start to lose focus on the true meaning of purpose.

Those of us who are leaders should work to create a mission in which purpose is more than just making money. We must trust that the higher purpose will lead to business success. Develop an organization that will allow you to share your vision or purpose with others that share the same qualities as you. We can not avoid the struggle we have in finding our meaning and purpose in our business, but here are three suggestions to help.


1. Quest to find a Home

Need to find a home that will allow you to use your talents and be able to grow. This may mean leaving the safety net of a present job and traveling into uncharted waters. It could mean to stay where you are already planted and build true meaning. Whatever the case may be it is important to connect with people who will bring out the best in you.

2. Find a Connection between work and passion

It is your responsibility to fan the flame that burns inside you. You can not settle for second best or get into a comfort zone that you are not passionate about. Take the leap of faith and pursue your passion.

3. Trust that God has called you to work for a purpose

God wants you to succeed and find the balance between earning a living and serving a purpose. However don’t let the obstacles stop you from reaching your purpose. If you ever find yourself caught between two masters choose God, because if he is for you, who can be against you.

It is time for you to take action and find the true meaning and purpose for you. Learn how to find the greatest satisfaction at work, and fully utilize your talent and skills by creating your ideal job.

Why Not? Start Now!

My Family is my Purpose

Sincerely Your Friends,

Rick and Elizabeth Perales


Are you working harder everyday and its never enough? Have you lost focus on what is truly meaningful and important? Are you a slave to your work and have become ineffective and burnt out? Do you have a burning desire to want more in your life than the endless hours spent in a negative atmosphere?  What If these 10 Principles could Leverage your Personal Growth.

I am asking these deep felt questions in order to get to the root cause of your dilemma. I have read several books that inspired me on becoming a great and fearless leader. The questions you read above were the same questions that I have overcome myself and helped me during my Personal Economic Growth.

I worked as a superintendent for a huge Corporate Plant. What I saw was people in all positions from Plant Managers to the line employees struggling with challenges that did not have simple solutions. These were talented people who wanted to make a difference they were caught in an urgent deadline, unrealistic expectations, and politics.

I found myself in a critical time in that I had to make a business decision. It had no correct answer and could only be made with a Leap of Faith, by me alone. The solution was to trust my Inward Principles, which would help me be effective and become a significant leader to others. A ship that turns its direction by one degree will alter its course by hundreds of miles. The more you trust your Inward Principles the more you will impact the direction your headed, and more freedom you have, the more indigenous leader you become.

At my very core I was wanting meaning and purpose in my life. I was looking for a confirmation to satisfy my answers with clarity and direction in the midst of confusion and a sense of fulfillment. I wanted to do the right thing to follow my Inward Principles that I followed on Sunday at church and use them in my daily task at work for the rest of the week. I found no means to this endless distraction unless I could be the Captain of the ship.

The following are the differences I have found between the Corporate Principles and the Inward Principles. Evaluate them deeply so that the value of each will help you in your meaning and decisions.

Corporate Principles

  • Achieve results
  • Ask what can I get?
  • Success = money
  • Work to please people
  • Place themselves first
  • Short-term gain
  • Slave to the Company

Inward Principles

  • Serve a Purpose
  • Say how can I give?
  • Significance = people
  • Work to please God
  • Place themselves last
  • Long-term Legacy
  • Freedom of Choice

We would normally view these principles as being right and wrong. We are faced with devastating choices that would alter our course in different directions. Either we embrace the Corporate Principles and turn away from our Inward Principles, or we can accept our Inward Principles and grasp whatever business consequences come our way. Consequences like “Can I do what is right and be successful?” and “Can I be both ethical and profitable?”.

I believe the answer to these questions is YES. You have to believe in your Inward Principles to have the courage to live them, and have the patience to wait for them to work for you. We are to prosper and be valuable leaders, and to serve as models to help others. We are Leaders that uphold a solid foundation and center, and we are built to grow stronger over time during the middle of external pressures. As a result, our challenges and dilemmas strengthen us to become the successful leader your Inward Principles intended you to be.

Following are some guidelines to decipher for yourself if you are a Good Leader or a Great Leader. Your future is determined by what you believe and do. What you believe is what you do, what you do is how you behave, and how you behave determines your consequence.

Good Leader

  • Cracks under pressure
  • Places profits over principles which reduces their value over time
  • Their character weakens over time
  • They produce nothing other than the required results

Great Leader

  • Overcomes and adapts
  • Places principles over profits which builds their value over time
  • Their character strengthens over time
  • They produce a legacy in addition to business results

You might be asking yourself, “How will this help me?” In order for you to become a Great Leader you need to use your outer development skills and talent. You also need to continue to develop your Inward Principles wholeheartedly with persistence and passion. Here are the 10 Principles that will help Leverage your Business. These 10 Principles will be delivered in a series of detailed Articles.

10 Principles to Help Leverage Your Business:

1. Having a Purpose   “How to find meaning and purpose in your business.”

2. Definition of Success   “How to define success in you business.”

3. Gaining Courage   “How to do the right thing when others are doing otherwise.”

4. How to be Patient   “How to avoid becoming a slave to short term obstacles.”

5. Lead by Example    “How to use Inward Principles in a diverse world.”

6. Self Control   “How to deal with situations you have no control over.”

7. Hard Choices   “What to do when faced with a bad choice and a worse choice.”

8. Learn how to Serve   “How to attract, retain, and motivate others.”

9. Social solidarity   “How to make a win-win situation.”

10. Knowing your Priorities   “How to overcome exhaustion.”

Final thought on your quest for success. First, let us connect to share ideas and insight on Inward Principles. Secondly, it is important to remember why you are taking on this effort. You have a purpose in life that wants you to succeed. As you focus on your Inward Principles keep in mind you are being prepared for a significant reward far beyond what you can see or imagine. Lets enjoy the journey together.

Why Not? Start Now!

Rick and Elizabeth Perales

Building Leaders Worldwide


How much of your time do you spend a day mentoring someone else?  If we want our relationships, business, success to grow you have to give of your time.  I am reminded of a great saying that goes like this: “Give and you shall receive.” “The measure you give is the measure that will be given back to you.”  Below is a video that inspired me and brings meanng in everything that we do. 

Renowned inspirational leader Joel Osteen reveals what the greatest occupation is in this moving story about a restaurant industry legend–whose

via The Greatest Occupation.


Why is most of the world in so much debt? Why do most families live from pay check to pay check? Why is it that the rich get richer and the middle class and poor keep getting poorer? What schools are not teaching you to create your Ultimate Wealth Package.

Recently we have discovered that learning to manage your money requires a lot of studying. Well in this fast paced world we live in we do not have the time to stop and learn.

So we go through life learning by trial and error. This can become a very costly expense for majority of the population. According to the Policy Development and Research Information Services they determined that the estimated Median Family Income for FY 2009 is $64,000/yr for a married couple. The number in value drops dramatically if you are a single parent.

This brings back the question, Why are we is such debt? We are not receiving the educational tools to invest in assets, rather we get caught in the Rat Race and invest only in Liabilities. Liabilities are things we get now and end up paying for them later.

Just like buying a new car you get the joys of driving it home today, but continue to make payments for the next 60 months. The car in not making any money for you, it is actually depreciating in value.

Well let me deliver to you the 3 Secrets I like to call the “Ultimate Wealth Package”. A Wise Investor and a Good Steward does three things.

1. He/She looks to the Future:
They refuse to be influenced or sidetracked by those who live in the moment wanting immediate pleasure in life. They plan carefully and invest wisely in assets that will build residual income by making money work for them.

2. He/She is Disciplined and Patient:
They remain calm during the Storm (e.g., recession), and understand that in due season he/she will receive their reward. They do not get weary and they always keep their eye on the prize.

3. He/She takes Risk for the benefit of his/her Own:
These are no foolish risks, but yet prayed over and carefully thought out risk. No one can be totally sure of his or her financial future. A story that comes to mind is:

Three servants were given money by their Master to invest wisely. Two of the three came back with an increase, a bonus, but the third had buried his money. When asked, Why did you not invest the money? He replied, I was too scared to lose the money so I buried it to keep it safe.

The Master was so upset and replied, You wicked and lazy man! You should at least have put my money into the bank so I could have some interest. The moral of the story is to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.

Do you want to learn how to make “Ultimate Wealth Package” work for you? I want you to have the abundance you and your family deserve. I believe everyone should learn how to invest their money and time wisely. Stop working for money and start making money work for you. Learn the Strategies of the Business Professionals at the comfort of your home, and do the things you have always wanted to do.  

Rick and Elizabeth Perales
Building Leaders Worldwide


Have you ever heard the expression, “It is better to give than to receive”. What does that really mean? How many times have we watched people in need and walked away? Not because we did not want to help, but merely because of our current circumstance or how we thought the person looked. Maybe we were in too much of a hurry to get home, go to work, get to a social gathering, or just because it is not our problem. The decisions you make today will effect your tomorrow. This is why I enjoy working from home, because it allows me the time to help others, in ways I know they can not repay me.

I strongly believe in “what you sow, so shall you reap.” Sowing is defined as to set something in motion. By sowing a seed of kindness, I shall reap a harvest of kindness. Seeds produce plants and the difference in results is significant. If you sow plenty of seed into your business, you will reap a great harvest. This is just the laws of physics. Your harvest is waiting to unveil itself as a sign of prosperity. This is why I enjoy working from Home.

Here is a short story “Do not withhold Good.”

Mr. Duke recalls when he was a teenager, he and his father once stood in line to buy tickets for the fair. They noticed a poor family immediately in front of them. The dad had his arm around moms neck and mom had her arm around dads waist. They had seven children, all probably under the age of twelve. He could tell that the fair was going to be a new adventure for them. The attendant asked how many tickets they wanted. The man proudly responded, “I’d like to buy tickets for seven children’s and two adult’s.” When the attendant quoted the price, the man’s wife let go of her husbands waist and she looked upset. The man leaned a little closer and asked, “ How much did you say?” The attendant quoted the price again. The man obviously didn’t have the money. He looked crushed. Duke says his father watched all this, put his hand in his pocket, pulled out a fifty dollar bill and dropped it on the ground. His father then reached down, picked up the bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, I think this must be yours.” The man knew exactly what was going on. He looked straight into Duke’s father’s eyes, took his hand, shook it, and with a tear streaming down his cheek, replied, “ Thank you, thank you, sir. This really means a lot to me and my family.” Duke and his father didn’t have enough money to go to the fair that night, but it didn’t matter. They had blessed a whole family, and it was something neither family would ever forget. That’s called “sowing a great seed”.

Helping others is the reason why I enjoy workind from Home. I work with a community of people. We are all working together to make a difference in the world, our business and home lifestyles. Working from home as my own boss I wake up early in the morning to spend time with my Lord. This way as I work throughout the morning I am inspired. Looking forward to the evening of where I can plant a great seed of prosperity. “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, When it is in the power of thin hand to do it.” Proverbs 3:27.

Sincerely your Friends,

Rick and Elizabeth Perales
Building Leaders Worldwide

Why Not? Start Now!

Helping Others

Helping Others

Northern Challenge Golf Course

Northern Challenge Golf Course

How do you control time? What does time mean to you? Well according to the Webster’s Dictionary time is, “A continuum which lacks spatial dimensions and in which events succeed one another from past through present to future”. If you work for someone else your time is determined by them and you have to work around their schedule.

Reason #2 “Leveraging my Time”

I use to hold a high position working for a large Corporation that supplies poultry, beef, pork world wide. I had worked hard just like everyone else and climb that corporate ladder, wanting to be one of the big boys. I would do exactly as told. Like going to work at a certain time and staying over if needed at the last minute’s request. Just like most of the leaders in this business we incorporated the belief’s of the company and did what ever it took to get to the top. Even if it meant losing time away from home with family and friends or planning special events around their work schedule.

Working from home allows me to leverage my time and use my 24 hours in a day the way I want to. I determine when I clock in or out, not someone else. We all share the same 24 hours in a day and I have chosen to use mine wisely. 1 Cor. 7:31 say; “they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.” I want to make sure that I leave a legacy for my children, grand-children, and great grand-children.

I don’t have to miss any more special events with my kids. I am able to take my son to his golf lessons, and enjoy playing a round of golf, without being pressured for time. Now I can live a life of good health and working on my body, soul, and spirit. Waking up in the morning to exercise, sitting down and reading a good book or studying with my kids, and going to church and fellowshipping with positive influencial people. You become who you hang around with, and I choose to mastermind with the best of the best.

Why do I enjoy working form Home? We are meant to be and do something bigger in life than to live at someone else’s expense. Building my business has brought us so much joy and happiness and that’s something money can not buy back. Become a servant and a leader to your family and community. It is better to give than to receive. Last but not least: Choose to not trade your time for money.

Your friends,
Rick and Elizabeth Perales
Building Leaders Worldwide


You may be asking yourself Why work from home? It is a questions asked by many people especially Entrepreneurs and business owners. The internet is the way of life in this generation. Just think about it, if you are wanting directions where do you go for the answer? The internet right. Whether it be on your cell phone or computer. Well in the following series I am going to discuss reasons as to why we choose to become Self Employed working from home.

Reason #1 “Family Social Time”

Recently my wife and I had to drive 80 miles from home to take our kids to a dental appointment. Our kids are 12 and 14 years of age and this gave us an opportunity to spend some time with the kids. You know teenage stuff. Even though we have always had a close relationship with our kids the time spent together during this day just brought us closer. Parenthood is a job in itself and we have to work hard to get the results we want. Are they perfect? No. Are we perfect? No, but communication, loyalty, dedication, spirituality, and lots of love definitely helps.

Well as most parents know that when your traveling with kids you have to make the occasional pit stop. So we stopped at the Blue Star Memorial, a little rest stop just outside of Jacksonville, TX . To our surprise the rest area was decorated with flowers, trees, and shrubs and it looked beautiful. Now on the back side of the rest area was an amazing view called Look Out Mountain that over looked 22.5 acres that once was a Peach Orchard Farm. We knew we had an appointment to make but with such a breath taking view we had to slow down and enjoy the moment.

While we were smelling the flowers we were intrigued with one particular plant. One of the employees that worked there noticed us looking at the plant and come over and gave us a little history lesson. The plants name was “Detura” and it originates in India. This plant blossoms a beautiful flower that blooms for only 24 hrs and then it dies and turns into a poisonous seed pod. The seed pod can be replanted to reproduce more Detura plants. Rubbing the leaf of the flower leaves a smell of peanut butter on your hand.

Wow, what a morning we had. We were able to spend time with the kids. We took the day off without having to submit a request. Better yet, we were able to stop and smell the flowers. This is a reason Why I enjoy Internet Marketing working from home. We are given all the tools to get started and do not have to do any of the research ourselves. Just like any other job we have to work hard and apply the tools given to us. We also have a great support system that answers all of our questions, and also get to mastermind with millionaires who have proven their success. The best part is that we have no overhead or employees to look after. This is Reason #1 as to “Why I enjoy working from home.

Rick Perales
Building Leaders Worldwide

Datura Flower

Datura Flower